01. Does KenMatrimony.com offer safe and secure profiles?

Although KenMatrimony.com doesn't guarantee the security of the profiles, the website has the highest level of security possible.

02. What does it mean to successfully complete a membership?

Completing a membership is nothing more than alerting KenMatrimony.com about a member's marriage by the spouse of that member chosen from Ken Matrimony.com

03. Will KenMatrimony.com refund any subscription fees?

No.  KenMatrimony.com will not refund a member's subscription money in full or in part.

04. Does KenMatrimony.com sell a member's data?

No, KenMatrimony.com does not sell the data of its members.

05. What is a member's responsibility?

Register for free with KenMatrimony.com to search and find more profiles throughout the course of one calendar year or as per the chosen plan.

06. Does KenMatrimony.com make fake profiles to get people to sign up?

No, KenMatrimony.com doesn't make fake accounts to get people to join.

07. When should a person upgrade from a free membership to a paid one?

At any time, a free member has the option to upgrade to a paid membership. We recommend, however, that free users upgrade to a paid plan as soon as they discover profiles that interest them. This feature grants paid members the opportunity to monetize the reward points they earn by viewing advertisements, subject to KenMatrimony.com's discretion.

08. What are these reward points used for?

These reward points can be monetized when an unpaid member becomes a paid member and successfully completes the membership, or after completing a one-year active paid membership, whichever comes first.

09. What exactly are reward points?

A reward point is based on the number of times a member has viewed advertisements that are available on KenMatrimony.com.

10. What if there are less than ideal candidates to choose from in the pool of available profiles?

Each free member will be able to maintain their status as such for a full calendar year following their registration, which will encourage more people to visit profiles throughout the year across the nation.